The 2nd Tokyo-Beijing Workshop on Ultracold Atoms
>General information >Program >Registration >Organizers

Scope: The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the field of ultracold atoms from Tokyo, Beijing, and other cities in Japan and China and to have intensive discussions on cutting-edge research topics of this evolving field. The 1st workshop was held in April, 2016 in Institute for Advanced Studies in Tsinghua University, and active discussions were held for exotic interactions, synthetic gauge fields, Efimov physics, and transport phenomena in ultracold atomic systems. In this 2nd occasion, the topics will further cover scrambling, out-of-time ordered correlation, Higgs modes, engineered dissipation, and machine learning. This workshop is held as the 5th Alliance Workshop of the "Topological Materials Science" project supported by MEXT of Japan.
Date:October 2 (Mon.) & 3 (Tue.), 2017
Venue: Room #1320 (3rd floor), Faculty of Science Bldg. 4,
Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033

東京大学 本郷キャンパス 理学部4号館3階1320号室
〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1

Transportation to Hongo campus ( Japanese / Chinese (jpg) / English (pdf) )
Campus map (pdf) / Location of Faculty of Science Bldg. 4
Campus guide map with a list of restaurants & shops (pdf)
Tokyo subway map
Fee:Around 1,000 yen if you attend the information exchange meeting (banquet)
History: 1st workshop (2016) / 3rd workshop (2018)
October 2 (Monday)
09:25-09:30Masahito Ueda
(Univ. of Tokyo /
Opening remark
Session 1 - - - Chair: Shun Uchino (RIKEN CEMS)
09:30-10:10Naoto Tsuji
Out-of-time-ordered correlators and fluctuation-dissipation theorem (slides)
10:10-10:50Pengfei Zhang
(Tsinghua Univ.)
The relation between OTOC and entropy: Bose-Hubbard model and MBL (slides)
10:50-11:30Masaki Tezuka
(Kyoto Univ.)
Proposal for a cold atom realization of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: a desktop quantum gravity laboratory (slides)
11:30-11:40Group photo
11:40-13:00Lunch (80 min)
Session 2 - - - Chair: Ippei Danshita (YITP, Kyoto Univ.)
13:00-13:40Yiming Chen
(Tsinghua Univ.)
The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: non-Fermi liquid transition and tunable quantum chaos (slides)
13:40-14:20Yuto Ashida
(Univ. of Tokyo)
Quantum many-body phenomena under continuous observation (slides)
14:20-15:00Jinlong Yu
(Tsinghua Univ.)
Topology and symmetry in the quantum dynamics: some rigorous results (slides)
15:00-15:30Coffee break (30 min)
Session 3 - - - Chair: Yusuke Nishida (Tokyo Tech)
15:30-16:10Takafumi Tomita
(Kyoto Univ.)
Controlling quantum many-body states and dynamics of strongly correlated bosons with an engineered dissipation (slides)
16:10-16:50Ce Wang
(Tsinghua Univ.)
Machine learning study of frustrated classical spin models (slides)
16:50-17:20Free discussion
17:30-19:30Information exchange meeting (banquet) (Place: Matsumoto-ro)
October 3 (Tuesday)
Session 4 - - - Chair: Masaya Nakagawa (RIKEN CEMS)
09:30-10:10Zongping Gong
(Univ. of Tokyo)
Nonequilibrium dynamics and phases in open quantum systems (slides)
10:10-10:50Lih-King Lim
(Tsinghua Univ.)
Quantum charge pumps with topological phases in a Creutz ladder (slides)
10:50-11:30Ippei Danshita
(YITP, Kyoto Univ.)
Localized Higgs modes of a superfluid in an optical lattice (slides)
11:30-13:00Lunch (90 min)
Session 5 - - - Chair: Pascal Naidon (RIKEN)
13:00-13:40Xiaoling Cui
(Chinese Academy of Science)
Efimov correlation and instability of polarons (slides)
13:40-14:20Yusuke Nishida
(Tokyo Tech)
Zoo of quantum halos (slides)
14:20-15:00Zhenhua Yu
(Sun Yat-Sen Univ.)
Beyond the Efimov effect (slides)
15:00-15:30Coffee break (30 min)
Session 6 - - - Chair: Shimpei Endo (Monash Univ.)
15:30-16:10Muneto Nitta
(Keio Univ.)
Conformal symmetry of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates and massive Nambu-Goldstone modes (slides)
16:10-16:50Peng Zhang
(Renmin Univ.)
Center-of-mass-momentum dependent interaction between ultracold atoms (slides)
16:50Masahito Ueda Closing
# Presentation slides can be accessed with a password, which will be announced at the workshop.
The registration is needed only for participants from Japan.
The information of participants from China has already been collected by Hui Zhai.


登録締切: 参加人数把握のため、 2017年9月11日(月) までにご登録頂けましたら幸いです。

Masahito Ueda (Univ. of Tokyo / RIKEN CEMS)
Hui Zhai (Tsinghua Univ.)
Shunsuke Furukawa (Univ. of Tokyo)

Secretary: Asako Takeuchi (Univ. of Tokyo)

For any information, please contact S. Furukawa:
 furukawa[at_mark] (Please replace [at_mark] by @)