Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
2009 Quantum Mechanics I (Mon. 3rd & 4th period)

We will use the following book as a textbook

上田正仁 現代量子物理学ー基礎と応用 (陪風館)

Typos and supplements of the textbook will be uploaded on this webpage

Exam : March 1st (Mon.) (No books or notebooks allowed)

We will make the exam based on contents of the textbook covered in the class (especially problems in the text), and homeworks handed out in the lecture. You can get the homeworks even on this webpage.

The problems in the exam will be made as follows, so please prepare for the exam.

[1]:Blank filling or choosing correct words, sentences.

[2]:From problems in the textbook.

[3]:From problems in the homeworks handed out in the lecture.(You can also download them from this webpage.)

[4]:Advanced problem.

For senior students only: Report assignment for this lecture

Lecture Schedule & Contents

Dec. 7th

Dec. 14th

Dec. 21st

Jan. 7th

Jan. 18th

Jan. 25th